Adult Program
127 W 25th St
New York, NY 10001
OATS’s Computer Basics is a featured program in the 2019 Report.
Who is served: Older adults
Number of participants served annually: 4,000
Location: New York City
Frequency/Duration: 10 weeks, 2 times per week
Eligibility Criteria: Must be age 60 or older
Application process: N/A
Curriculum: digital literacy
Skill level: Basic
Partnerships: 200+ partners, ranging from senior centers, other nonprofits, faith-based organizations, and senior-service organizations. Including New York Public Library, AARP Foundation and the City of New York.
Cost: Free
Sources of funding: A mixture of private and public sources, including municipal agencies, corporations, philanthropic foundations, and donations
What makes this program stand out? OATS (Older Adults Technology Services) is serving the 60+ population by delivering programs that empower older adults to achieve their goals through technology. The tech programs are infused with elements of digital literacy, but ultimately oriented in different content areas so people can learn a skill based on their individual goals.
“We’re a social change organization that uses tech to promote the betterment of people as they age,” said Alex Glazebrook, director of operations for OATS.
OATS operates out of the Senior Planet Exploration Center in Chelsea in addition to a network of 23 public computer labs located in senior centers and faith-based organizaions across New York City.
Older adults can take classes on operating a computer, navigating the internet, and using social media. Advanced classes teach how to build websites using and how to leverage tech platforms to build a small business.
What do participants need to succeed? To participate in programming, students must have an email address and be comfortable navigating the internet.
What does the organization need? Additional resources would help the organization reach more potential students, as the current model is cost-intensive. Glazebrook also notes that adjustments could make programming more flexible and dynamic.
Organization Type
Non-ProfitProgram Cost
FreeSkill Level
BasicPopulation Served
Older adults
Program Length
10 weeks